Eva's Skipping

WALT skip.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can turn the rope and jump at the same time. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can skip really well and I can go fast".

Eva's Recorder

WALT play the recorder.

SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can play the notes BAG C D to make a tune. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can play lots of tunes on my recorder"

Maths Eva's Measuring

WALT use a ruler to measure.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can put the ruler in the right place to measure. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know about centimetres and rulers".

Term 4 Inquiry - Bean growing

WALT grow a plant
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will know that plants need light and water. 

STUDENT VOICE ' I know how to plant the bean the right way up and how to water it every day.

Term 4 Physical Education - Run Jump Throw

WALT run, jump and throw.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can throw a ball overarm, jump over the mini hurdles and run in a race. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can throw a ball a long way and I can go fast over the hurdles". 


Term 4 INQUIRY Potato growing

WALT grow a plant
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will know that plants need light and water. 

STUDENT VOICE " I know about how to grow a potato. 

Skipping Term 3

WALT skip forwards and backwards.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can turn the rope forwards and backwards and jump.

STUDENT VOICE " I can skip on the spot and running forwards". 

Technology Term 3

WALT use recyclable materials to design a toy. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I have created a toy. 


Maths Term 2 - Measurement

WALT measure length.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - We can tell the length of something in centimetres.

Measurement for Children

Student Voice - I can tell you how long something is, using my ruler.

Term 2 Inquiry

WALT know  

· * that there are  different kinds of movement - the motion of common objects

·  * that pushes and pulls can make things start or stop moving - the effects of forces on objects
·  about the movement of different sized objects 

   * about the  ways magnets behave

P.E. term 2

WALT throw and catch a ball.

SUCCESS CRITERIA- We can aim at an object and we know to have our hands up ready to catch the ball.

P. E. Term 2

WALT throw and catch a ball.

SUCCESS CRITERIA- We can aim at an object and we know to have our hands up ready to catch the ball. 

Writing Term 2

WALT  recount something.

SUCCESS CRITERIA  I have answered some of the ‘W’ questions. 

Yesterday Room 4 and Room 3 went to the air force museum. I got to go in a real plane and I think there were spiders in it. I got to go in a machine gun thing. I had a good time.

Maths Term 1

WALT count to 100
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can count to 100 in 1s,2s,5s,10s.

Student Voice I know about counting in 2s,5s and 10s to 100. 

Writing Term 1

WALT write a recount about something  that has already happened.

SUCCESS CRITERIA – we will have a capital at the start of each sentence and a fullstop at the end.

I went swimming with my class. I am a good swimmer and I can do overarm. The water is not too cold and we have lots of fun. 

Student Voice - I started with a capital letter. 

Reading Term 1

WALT use expression when I am reading.
SUCCESS CRITERIA; we can change the expression in our voices when we read.

Student Voice - " I know that when the words are dark I need to read them louder".

Art Term 1 2015

WALT draw a self portrait with facial features are included, drawn in proportion and correctly placed.